

「原色人」成立於2012年2月,銳意透過影像製作、分享及教育,推廣社會大眾對性別的多元認知與平權。曾舉辦「原色人 X 邵家臻《性,別歧視!》微紀錄創作坊」、紀錄片競賽及中學巡迴放映,《人人可愛》性別平等攝影比賽等,教育性別理論與紀錄片製作探討性別平等。首部紀錄片作品《異路同途》探討同志婚姻與家人關係,影片曾參展「華語紀錄片展2012」、「台灣南方影展」等,更獲提名香港藝術中心「香港短片新里程」計畫,2014年11月發行影碟。


本會定名為「原色人」(英文名稱為“Primaco Productions”)為註冊社團,本著「活出自己原有色彩」的宗旨,達致以下目標:
1. 透過影像表達性別平等及與生俱來性別的原色。
2. 舉辦影像創作坊,以指導參與者拍攝、剪接、文本創作等技巧,傳授性別概念。
3. 參與者製作影像,以實踐及推廣性別平等概念。
4. 促進香港及其他地區的文化藝術交流,擴闊社會大眾的國際視野。

Primaco Productions (Primaco) is a non-profit making organization, with an aim to promoting sexual diversity and equality to the general public through different kinds of platforms and initiatives, including video productions, seminars and workshops.

Recent projects consist of a micro-documentary film workshop in collaboration with Mr. Shiu Ka Chun on sex discrimination, as well as a documentary production about same-sex marriage and family relationships, titled “Different Path, Same Way", which was presented in the Chinese Documentary Festival 2012 and the Taiwan Southern Film Festival. In 2013, We organised “Sex, NO Discrimination!” Micro-Documentary Competition and Multimedia Interactive Film Festival funded by Equal Opportunity Commission, the competition aims to increase the public awareness on discrimination problem in Hong Kong and to study the issues in this international city through the lens and perspective of the participants.
